cody heimann
I moved to Nashville in 2007 and never intended on staying. It's almost funny how opposite life has gone according to my plans. Starting my career at the Tracking Room recording studio here in Nashville, I quickly found myself bored with the day to day studio life and found live production. Working as mostly a patch guy and system engineer throughout my career I've always been the one to deal with all the "odds and ends" and wireless just happened to be that "thing" that no one ever wanted to deal with. The more and more I worked and the more shows I dealt with I became more fascinated with the challenge of a solid RF environment. From there on is history, the gear came, the researched happened and I just ended up being the RF guy on my shows. Now, OCCS is born, I hope this company, our company, is able to make your event, show, production, anything as amazing as you imagined it could be.